
Mountain Spruce Volunteer Recycling Program


To participate in our recycling program please contact us  

Mountain Spruce Sorting Centre
Collection bin
Recycling shed
Interior with sorting bin and shelving for empty  boxes.

Gold Trail Recycling Depot @ 100 Mile House

Delivering recycled cans, bottles and plastics to Gold Trail Recycling Depot

Funding for any Society has always been a major challenge in this area of many trees and few people as we all must vie for the same dollar; creativity then becomes a true resource to be reckoned with. Our recycling program began in 2002 with founder Ray McManus and wife Joyce doing the sorting honours in their garage and then trucking the finished product to the only recycling depot in 100 Mile House. Times have changed and BC’s recycle program has become a viable resource. We now think of it as a public service keeping roads and landfills cleaner and safer than they once were when tons of reusable products were tossed with abandon from car windows to bounce into the nearest ditch. 

Inter-Lakes Landfill Site

The Inter-Lakes Landfill Site has been reorganized from a former ‘dump’ that housed as many crows and ravens as it did garbage. It is  technicians, Jen & Sheila who are well known ladies of the area, who keep it as free as possible from the chaos it once was. 

That being said we at Mountain Spruce Community Park have also become more professional in our efforts to gain the means to maintain the Park and its many trails by building a much needed Recycling Sorting Centre adjacent to the Collection Bin. This Centre has been reorganized of late with extended shelving top and bottom and just recently a much needed skylight so the volunteer sorters are not left in the dark when the double doors are closed on a windy day. Needless to say it is still a very small area leaving little room to store sorted goods for any length of time so “what comes in must go out” is the key word. A newcomer should have no difficulty in quickly learning the procedures of sorting expected by the efficient staff of Gold Trail depot in town. We have become dependent on each other and a junk free countryside benefits.

Thanks everyone for your donations to our recycling program.

Recycling Co-ordinator - Joanne Way

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